Basically anybody using a computer/laptop nowadays while djing is considered digital djing. Many if not most, have transferred over to digital djing mainly because of one thing, so you don't have to carry around all your records/cds to your gigs!!!
Now every DJ I see in any club/party/radio station are all using a laptop with some sort of djing program, whether they are using turntables, CDJ's (CD Players) or even just a keyboard & mouse.
I first started tampering with djing in 2005 due to COMPUTERS! I was in University & my roommate showed me a program called " Traktor" which allowed me to mix 2 different mp3's together just using my mouse & keyboard.
My first gig ever, I "dj'd" my grandma's 80th B-day with my desktop cpu & a mouse sitting down! LMAO.
Got a job with a DJ Company & started doing weddings & school dances to help pay for University & decided if I ever wanna get into a club, I need to get some turntables! Also, because all the DJ's that started off with records wouldn't make fun of me & I can earn their respect if I learnt their craft.
So I got a pair of Technic 1200's which I still use today & a mixer and had to decide which program to use. In 2006, it was either Native Instruments Traktor Scratch Pro or Serato Scratchlive .
I chose Serato & still to this day use the program along with nearly all DJ's in the clubbing industry. I chose it because I saw A-Trak & Jazzy Jeff using the program & when I heard Traktor's Poster Boy DJ was caught using it at a gig once as well.
I never had any complaints and will continue to keep using Scratchlive. However there are many other competitors in the game now, like Torq, PCDVJ, Mixvibes, etc. Some of these programs you don't even have to
use a Turntable or CD Player, you can just use your keyboard or Midi Controller.
Pros - Allows you to carry thousands of songs with you anywhere in the world; allows you to do things alot faster (searching songs, cue points); allows djs to be even more creative; have songs that aren't made just on vinyl; allows djs to play more local/upcoming artists music; instant doubles!
Cons - Sound quality is still better off of a record, but you can't really notice the difference in a general setting; many more people are now DJing (which affects the industry with quality, pricing, etc)
With technology, it allowed many more people to become djs, but it doesn't necessarily make them great djs. I am not a hater since I am from the new era & because of digital djing, I now do this as a living.
If you are looking to becoming a dj, like anything you take on, due your diligence and find out which program is best suited for your needs/wants and go from there.
"see you on the dancefloor"
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